Zoig.com Customer Reviews

Overall rating:
Total reviews: 1,160

No site or service is perfect. Perfection doesn't exist but Zoig.com is nearly perfect for a lot of people.
See their REAL reviews of Zoig.com below:



It's cool!


The best on the net xxx


I would highly recommend it!


Very worth it. We love our membership and would absolutely recommend it to anyone!


Great site with lots of hot people!


Great fun


The very best of similar sites, so much so I only use Zoig now! Members' are good and friendly, although I have never met anyone in person, I have chatted to many who have and they seem very satisfied with each other. All members' also seem to be very tolerent of each other and their needs. Added to which, Zoig provide and maintain the membership and site to the very best of our needs. Many thanks!


Don't use video chat, so can't fairly rate it. Brief previews of contents of videos would be nice if they aren't too expensive and time consuming to prepare. Yes, I would recommend the site to anyone with whom it comes up in conversation.


Love Zoig! and I have used other sites before but none can compare. Before purchasing my membership, I hesitated due to experiences with other sites but couldn't be happier with the purchase. This is one of the only sites I've found where the bulk of the members are real, genuine and overall amazing people. No negative attitudes and so many sexy people to meet and get to know. Thanks Zoig for maintaining, organizing and operating such a great site!


We love Zoig, and really enjoy posting. We really like the video chat but wish we could see more than 3 webcams at a time. We would have no problem paying extra for that service. Also wish one or more of our posts would make if to featured new photo every now and then, since the pics don't get a lot of views. All in all a great site.


Love the site use it regularly and do not hesitate to recommend to others


we love zoig and have told multiple couples like us about it... long live ZOIG!


Wish Notifactions would come back


Love this site, have been a member for many years. Thanks Zoig!!


Its well worth it ,Dont hesitate its great




This is the best site ever.


great site nothing like it.zg+ membership pretty good but could be better.yes would highly recommend to other members because of the perks.yes it's worth it. there should be no hesitation on a zoig + membership.


Its great. Its perfect. yes. YES. Not at all


I love Zoig and what it stands for, unfortunately I cant afford the membership to fully appreciate the benefits

Amateur porn for the people, by the people.

Zoig.com has 1,727,757 user-submitted amateur porn photos and 211,401 videos. With 1,108,887 real members just like YOU, it is the largest community of open-minded amateurs.